Our Blog
Firehouse is committed to keeping your pet happy and healthy while preventing disease.
6 Signs Your Pet Has Allergies
Dogs suffer more often than cats
2 min read Beatrice’s mom worried she’d injured her back when she began walking off-kilter and licking her rear side. A visit to Firehouse Kyle confirmed the culprit was allergies. Luckily, an injection helped relieve the itchiness. And a topical ointment healed the...
Pet Allergies Happen All Year Long
Know the triggers to prevent suffering
1 min read Allergens are small particles that our bodies might react to. Allergens enter a pet’s body through their skin, ears, and nose. Dogs can suffer from allergies all year long. Year-round triggers include: -Environmental elements: grass, cedar, mold, pollen....
Protect Your Pup From Heat Exhaustion
Keep your cool pet from turning into a hot dog this summer
1.5 min read Active pets can overheat in the sun. You can enjoy summer and protect your pet from the dangers of heatstroke. “Rhett...
Head off a heat emergency
If your pet has heatstroke, stay cool and take these steps
1.5 min read Watch your pet for signs of overheating when outdoors. If you notice them staggering, becoming weak, or collapsing, contact...
Our Careful and Common Sense Approach to Vaccines
We Customize the Plan for Your Dog and Cat
3.5 minute read Firehouse customizes vaccine plans for each pet. We’ll chat at your pet’s yearly check-up. Then, we recommend only the vaccines your pet needs based on your lifestyle and environment. Our advice is conservative and based on common sense. Vaccines are...
5 Tips for Senior Cats
Easy ways to protect your best bud
1 min read Old in years but young at heart. An older cat can be full of surprises. “I don’t know that there’s something I wish I knew before they become seniors,” says Jessica, a CSC at Firehouse Kyle. “Yet, I am constantly surprised by how resilient and playful...
5 ways to nurture your senior pet
Make the most of your companion’s golden years
3 min read “I always find that senior pets are happy to hang out and enjoy life,” says Dr Ashley Opyt, Medical Director of Firehouse Kyle (now in its new location!). “My beloved Corgi, Sam, passed away in 2021. His final years were filled with lots of walks, cuddles,...
Ticks are Little. They Spread Big Diseases.
Protect your cat and dog with preventive medicine
2.5 min read “I once saw a German Shephard who was covered in ticks. They had so many they were falling off of her and crawling onto the walls in the exam room,” says Dr Ashley Opyt. “We gave her a dose of Bravecto to help start killing everything attached to her and...
My pet ate poison. Now what?
The 5 things to do next
1 min read If you suspect your pet has eaten something they shouldn’t have eaten, don’t panic. Many pets eat toxins. We won’t judge you over the item or substance. Life happens. We’re here to help. Step 1: Find the packaging. It helps to have the product packaging so...